An adventure for characters of 1st-2nd level, set in the Kingdoms of Kalamar but capable of being used elsewhere as required.
Publisher's blurb: "In the northern Kingdom of Cosdol, an ancient temple of Brovadol the Valiant lies forgotten by the outside world. Only one lone cleric suspects the temple's existence, but he cannot reach it alone. It will take a special group of heroes to find the temple, for it lies somewhere within territory claimed by the Broken Fang orc tribe. And the Broken Fang orcs do not care much for trespassers..."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Unknown
Publishers' Reference: K&C1033
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 15 pages
Date: October 2006
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Product page last updated: 28 January 2008