Includes many of the features previously introduced in other 0one Games products, such as 'Rule the Dungeon' controls allowing scaleable encounters.
Publisher's blurb: "In a desolate region, avoided by most of the people, lies the Skull Hill, a place said to be haunted. On top of the hill, shaped like a human skull, lies a crumbling desecrated church. The place is eerie and gloom, and the cemetery surrounding the church makes the place even scarier. The eye sockets and the nose of the Skull Hill are actually entrances of caverns that lie beneath the hill. An abandoned farm, belonged to a daring man who tried to live in that haunted place, crumbles in ruin east of the hill."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Author: Mario Barbati
Publishers' Reference: BLU30
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 20 pages
Date: October 2006
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Product page last updated: 20 October 2007