Preparing combatants to cope with the rigors of Gothos, this book contains new prestige classes, feats, combat techniques and items based around the 'schools' of mystic combat which are detailed with full history which will appeal to all characters, not just the fighters.
Publisher's blurb: "HERESY! Brothers, we are concerned with the growing influence and power of heretics - these so called mystic warriors. The common folk hold them as saints and heroes. Our very church has been infested with a number of these corrupt individuals. Do not think for a moment that these abominations are not dangerous to our very foundation. They dare to tap into their own souls for power, rather than look to the gods. Their schools are spreading like a plague. We must root these treacherous villains out and show them to the world for what they really are, HERETICS!"
More when I get hold of a copy!
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Book Details:
Authors: Unknown
Publishers' Reference: MYG0004
ISBN: 0970826532
Paperback, 128 pages
Date: August 2001