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Dungeons & Dragons: Dungeon Tile Designer

Dungeon Tile Designer

Wow! I didn't think you could do that with a PDF... this product is a system for creating your own dungein tiles. In operation it's very simple - there are a range of options for floor colour, wall position, pillars, stairs and doors: just make your choices from a 'control panel' and see the tile appear before you... then print it out.

Naturally, there are limitations. While the options are versatile, they are finite. No interesting corpses or debris, for example, to litter the place. You have to print your tile straight off, there is no way to store it for later. But the sheer advantages of being able to create a tile that is the way you want it, not just the best fit from whichever tile collections you possess, far outweigh any quibbles.

Although you cannot save tiles, there is a handy grid system to print out beforehand and design the dungeon you want to create which helps you keep track of the tiles you need to make. You can label tiles, to help in laying them out, or rely on memory/your notes and leave them unadorned.

Overall, it is a really useful tool which should appeal to everyone who likes a clear visual presentation of their dungeon to put in front of the players, whether or not you want to use miniatures.

Return to Dungeon Tile Designer page.

Reviewed: 3 October 2006