A useful contact, and perhaps able to buy things from your party as well as sell them...
Publisher's blurb: "One of the most popular establishments in the Trades Ward is the Curiosity Shop. Located on Innkeeper Street, a short block away from Market Square, the Curiosity Shop specializes in antiques, curios, bric-a-brac, and other rare junk collected over several hundred years by the shop's proprietor; a silver-tongued janni from the far wastes who calls himself Naboo.
"Most locals love the Curiosity Shop as it attracts a wide array of customers to the area. A fair percentage of Naboo's business comes from sailors, soldiers, and other worldly travelers who require mementos of their exploits. Outside of his shop Naboo is somewhat of a recluse, though he's been supportive enough of the surrounding district, pays his taxes and is considered an upstanding citizen. Most find him friendly, if not charming (though many chalk up his charm to good business sense) and his prices are moderate enough. He also has a knack for finding 'lost' items or procuring certain items that one might consider 'hard-to-get.'"
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Author: Tim Hitchcock
Publishers' Reference: BB002
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 15 pages
Date: September 2006
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Product page last updated: 20 October 2007