Mongoose Publishing Product List - Material for Dungeons & Dragons 3e |
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Classic Play
Complete Campaigns
- MGP3006: Ruins of the Dragon Lord
- MGP3102: The Drow War 1: The Gathering Storm
- MGP3103: The Drow War 2: The Dying of the Light
- The Drow War 3: The Darkest Hour
Encyclopaedia Arcane
- MGP1001: Demonology: The Dark Road
- MGP1003: Chaos Magic: Wild Sorcery
- MGP1004: Constructs: It Is Alive
- MGP1005: Battle Magic: The Eldritch Storm
- MGP1008: Elementalism: Primordial Force
- MGP1009: Chronomancy: The Power of Time
- MGP1010: Enchantment: Fire in the Mind
- MGP1011: Star Magic: Wisdom of the Magi
- MGP1012: Illusionism: Smoke and Mirrors
- MGP1013: Crossbreeding: Flesh and Blood
- MGP1014: Dragon Magic: Power Incarnate
- MGP1015: Divination
- MGP1016: Conjuration
- MGP1017: Familiars
- MGP1018: Blood Magic
- MGP1019: Tomes and Libraries
- MGP1020: Components and Foci
- MGP1021: Abjuration
- MGP1022: Sovereign Magic
- MGP1023: Magic Item Creation
- MGP1025: Drow Magic
- MGP1026: Compendium
- MGP9997: Nymphology: Blue Magic
- Necromancy: Beyond the Grave
Encyclopaedia Divine
- MGP1006: Shamans: The Call of the Wild
- MGP1007: Fey Magic: Dreaming the Reverie
Encyclopaedia Psionica
Expert Player's Guide
- MGP9020: Renegade Wizard's Spellbook
- MGP9021: Renegade Cleric's Tome
- MGP9022: Epic Monsters
Monster Encyclopaedia
- MGP1050: Monster Encyclopaedia 1
- MGP1051: Monster Encyclopaedia 2: The Dark Bestiary
Other Titles
Power Classes
- MGP1101: Assassin
- MGP1102: Gladiator
- MGP1103: Exorcist
- MGP1104: Noble
- MGP1105: Knight
- MGP1106: Artificer
- MGP1107: Hedge Wizard
- MGP1108: Explorer
- MGP1109: Pirate
- MGP1111: Cabalist
- MGP1112: Fool
The Quintessential Series
- MGP4001: The Quintessential Fighter
- MGP4002: The Quintessential Rogue
- MGP4003: The Quintessential Cleric
- MGP4004: The Quintessential Wizard
- MGP4005: The Quintessential Elf
- MGP4006: The Quintessential Dwarf
- MGP4007: The Quintessential Monk
- MGP4008: The Quintessential Witch
- MGP4009: The Quintessential Psychic Warrior
- MGP4010: The Quintessential Druid
- MGP4011: The Quintessential Samurai
- MGP4012: The Quintessential Paladin
- MGP4013: The Quintessential Psion
- MGP4014: The Quintessential Barbarian
- MGP4015: The Quintessential Bard
- MGP4016: The Quintessential Gnome
- MGP4017: The Quintessential Sorcerer
- MGP4018: The Quintessential Drow
- MGP4019: The Quintessential Ranger
- MGP4020: The Quintessential Halfling
- MGP4021: The Quintessential Half-Orc
- MGP4022: The Quintessential Human
- MPG4023: The Quintessential Chaos Mage
- MGP0091: The Quintessential Kobold
- MGP9993: The Quintessential Temptress
- The Quintessential Aristocrat
- MGP4401: The Quintessential Fighter 2
- MGP4402: The Quintessential Rogue 2
- MGP4403: The Quintessential Cleric 2
- MGP4404: The Quintessential Wizard 2
- MGP4405: The Quintessential Elf 2
- MGP4406: The Quintessential Dwarf 2
- MGP4407: The Quintessential Monk 2
- MGP4408: The Quintessential Druid 2
- MGP4409: The Quintessential Paladin 2
- MGP4410: The Quintessential Barbarian 2
- MGP4411: The Quintessential Ranger 2
- MGP4412: The Quintessential Bard 2
Slayer's Guides
Supplementary Rulebooks
- MGP9001: Ultimate Prestige Classes
- MGP9002: Ultimate Feats
- MGP9003: Ultimate Equipment Guide
- MGP9004: Ultimate Game Designer's Companion
- MGP9005: Ultimate Arcane Spellbook
- MGP9006: Ultimate Character Record Sheets
- MGP9007: Ultimate Prestige Classes 2
- MGP9008: Ultimate Divine Spellbook
- MGP9009: Ultimate Character Concepts
- MGP9010: Ultimate Magic Items
- MGP9012: Ultimate NPCs
- MGP9014: Ultimate Equipment 2
- More Ultimate Equipment
Company Product list last updated: 13 August 2008