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Dungeons & Dragons: The Hall of Bedlam

The Hall of Bedlam

You may need to be mad to live in a dungeon, the inhabitants of this room certainly are! Rather incongrously buried on Level 1 of The Dungeon Under the Mountain (or wherever you want to locate it), this is the formal audience chamber of a long-dead monarch renowned for his grandeur and wealth. It's believed a nearby permanent teleport may account for its presence here, although looking at it on the map it seems a bit small to have coped with some of the statues and other fittings!

Technically, the PDF comes with the sophisticated tools we now expect from 0one Games - the 'Rule the Dungeon' feature which allows the choice of level (high, medium or low) for the whole encounter or for different components - traps, adversaries, etc - enabling you to tailor it to the abilities and preferences of your players. The map - presented as a one-page plan and a 2-page battlemap for miniatures use - can also be customised to suit your preferences; and there is a space for you to type in and save your own notes.

From the adventure point of view, as the inhabitants are going to attack on sight there is little chance to find out about the intense insanity that's been going on here, although it is not particularly critical - this is really an excuse for a good fight with some slightly unsual - and definitely mad - opponents.

Return to Rooms & Encounters: The Hall of Bedlam page.

Reviewed: 21 July 2006