A vast range of oriental weapons and fighting styles to explore.
Publisher's blurb: "In the distant land of Rokugan, samurai and ninja wield weapons unknown to outsiders. Entire sects of warriors devoted to absolute mastery over strange and unusual weapons struggle to perfect their bodies and their art. Discover their secrets, and learn some of the deadliest fighting styles in all of Rokugan.
"The Complete Exotic Arms Guide is a compendium of weapons used by samurai, and others, in Rokugan beyond the ever-present katana. From the tetsubo-wielding legions of the Crab Clan to the elite jitte style practiced by the Doji magistrates to the bizarre gaijin weaponry mastered by the Unicorn, this book contains dozens of new and improved weapons ready for use in any d20 campaign."
More when I get hold of a copy!
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Book Details:
Authors: Rich Wulf, Shawn Carman, Seth Mason, Aaron Medwin, Kim Hosmer, Chris Hand, Brian Yoon, Fred Wan, Rob Dake, and Jed Carleton
Publishers' Reference: AEG3046
ISBN: 1-59472-022-3
Paperback, 96 pages
Date: April 2004
Product page last updated: 1 July 2006