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Legend of the Five Rings 1e: Unexpected Allies

Unexpected Allies

In this book, you will find powerful (and not so powerful) inhabitants of the Emerald Empire, ready to thwart, annoy, or assist your PCs.

Publisher's blurb: "Welcome to a land of samurai, shugenja, mysterious ise zumi and cunning Scorpion assassins. In the world of Rokugan, danger lurks behind every shadow, machinations in the Winter Court destroy lives, and countless bushi fall on the fields of war. The Emerald Empire is populated wit diverse characters, and now we've brought some of them to you: ready to influence and populate your campaign setting."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Author: Patrick Kapera and Ree Soesbee
Publishers' Reference: AEG3018
ISBN: Unknown
Paperback, 128 pages
Date: 2000

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Product page last updated: 28 September 2015