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Trollbabe: Core Rules


Another quirky role-playing game from Ron Edwards.

Publisher's blurb: "What's a trollbabe? Let's start with size. We're talking 6'6" at the least, with a build to match - a trollbabe is a big woman, no little aerobicized butts allowed. All trollbabes are strong, easily the match of the strongest humans, and ranging up from there. They can run all day and heft weapons and pull bows that would wear out a human in moments. Trollbabes have primarily-human facial features, and most lack the characteristic trollish body hair and posture. Their trollishness is most obvious in their horns, which range from short goaty pointy horns to big curling sheepy horns that include a ridge over their brows. Big hair is also common; think 80s rock-and-roll.

"Why play Trollbabe? Because a trollbabe is neither troll nor human - she is functionally apart, yet tied into the fates and interactions of both peoples. Trolls - big, shaggy, horned, grotesque, people-eating monsters - and humans - plain old humans - simply don't get along, and their conflicts are escalating. The trollbabe may be perceived as an automatic friend or an automatic foe by both humans and trolls, yet her perspective is not identical with either one.s. Her presence cannot help but destabilize the status quo in any particular situation, which makes for an interesting life. Ultimately, she may also become the means of resolution."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Authors: Ron Edwards
Publishers' Reference: Unknown
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 47 pages
Date: 2002

Product page last updated: 17 June 2006