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Eldritch High Fantasy: Quick Start Guide

Eldritch High Fantasy Quick Start Guide

An introduction to a new fantasy game system, to try out before you buy. This is the original Silven Publishing version, and is no longer available.

Publisher's blurb: "Enter a world of ancient legacies and dreams made manifest. Experience the magic of fantasy role-playing anew, and regain the lost sense of wonder you thought you'd never find again. Silven Publishing brings to life Eldritch High Fantasy, the vision of Dan Cross and Randy Petras, true masters of the adventure story. EHF is a system designed to appeal to fans of both narrative and strategy. It is targeted toward GMs who prefer streamlined and accessible rules, but who also want a deep and complete gaming experience."

Book Details:
Author: Dan Cross and Randall Petras
Publishers' Reference: SPEHF0
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 22 pages
Date: May 2006

Product page last updated: 6 December 2008