Traders and merchants, 13 locations in which they might be found, and plenty more!
Publisher's blurb: "Does the rattle of gems in the jar get your ears perking; does the clink of coins in the coffer make you start to gleam in the eye? Do you like gold, jewels of all kinds? Do you like to trade and are you fair or foul in your dealings with others? This book is for all those who are mercantile at heart, the third in the City Guide series brings you a look at the wheelers and the dealers of the many cities, those who can make or break a Kingdom with the weight of their fiscal power. Merchants and Shopkeepers, Bankers, Tellers and those who're just plain greedy are rife in this book, are you interested in their secrets?"
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Joseph Carriker, Michael John Cugley, Daniel Farley, Patrick Lawinger, Neal Levin, and Darren Pearce
Publishers' Reference: DQG1003
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 64 pages
Date: June 2002
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Product page last updated: 25 June 2008