Beginning to open the lid on Violet Dawn...
Publisher's blurb: "From the creators of the award-nominated Denizens of Avadnu comes the first in-depth look at the world of Violet Dawn. On a group of mysterious islands isolated from the mainland of Kaelandar, primitive humans struggle for survival. They count among their enemies a dangerous and bizarre environment, inhuman slavers from beyond the sea, horrid monsters, buried magic, and�¢??of course�¢??one another. Together with barbarous skarren, moon-blessed zeidians, and adaptive ngakoi, these humans desperately contend with the secrets of their strange land.
"The Player's Guide to the Broken Isles contains everything you need to create a character and learn about the various races, tribes, and classes of The Broken Isles. The Player's Guide is illustrated in full color and is 39 pages in length. The PDF is extensively bookmarked for ease of use, and a printer-friendly version is also included. The Player's Guide contains 3 exciting new PC races, variant rules for the core classes, more then 25 new feats, 20 new pieces of equipment, and new rules for weapons made of inferior materials such as bone, wood, and stone.
"The Broken Isles product line is a standalone mini-campaign setting designed to ease players and DMs into the world of Violet Dawn. The Broken Isles is focused on play from 1st to 5th level, building PCs' knowledge and experience until they're prepared to face the wider world of Avadnu"
Megan's review
Book Details:
Authors: Alexander M. Freed and Jeffrey J. Visgaitis
Publishers' Reference: INC2001A
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 39 pages
Date: April 2006
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Product page last updated: 31 May 2007