Inspired by the 1985 adventure, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, this presents a whole new generation of characters with equally challenging adventures.
Publisher's blurb: "Years ago, brave heroes put the denizens of the Temple of Elemental Evil to the sword. Now, dark forces whisper again in the shadows of the once-deserted temple--forces far more insidious and dangerous than any sane person could dream. Evil has risen again to threaten the village of Hommlet.
"Characters battle the power of darkness in Hommlet and beyond, forging their way through hundreds of dire encounters before reaching the fiery finale. Designed as the backbone of a full campaign, Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil takes characters from 4th level to as high as 14th level."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Author: Monte Cook
Publishers' Reference: WTC88237
ISBN: 0-7869-1843-8
Paperback, 192 pages
Date: June 2001
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Product page last updated: 19 August 2013