If you like to use miniatures to resolve combat, especially if you enjoy large-scale battles with hordes of Bad Guys to defeat, this should enhance your game... and of course if you enjoy miniatures skirmish as well as role-playing, you should definitely be reading this.
Publisher's blurb: "Cries of battle fill the air! The Miniatures Handbook gives you expanded rules for regular Dungeons & Dragons game play as well as guidelines for skirmishes and mass combats.
"Included are new base classes, new prestige classes, 30 new feats, more than 65 new spells, new magic items, and weapon special abilities. Also, there are more than 35 new monsters, including formidable aspects of deities and archfiends.
"Expand your battlefield with complete rules for skirmishes, squad-based fights, and even mass battles. There are also mechanics for random dungeons and rules for miniatures battle campaigns."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Click HERE if you want to buy this book from Amazon.com or HERE
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Book Details:
Authors: Michael Donais, Skaff Elias, Rob Heinsoo, and Jonathan Tweet
Publishers' Reference: WTC96582
ISBN: 0-7869-3281-3
Hardback, 192 pages
Date: October 2003
Product page last updated: 15 April 2006