Not just a character sheet, but a way to keep track of everything that affects your character, something to treasure even once his slaying days are over.
Publisher's blurb: "Torn-out pages, three-hole punches, worn spots from too much erasing, cramped margin scrawl. That's all so... last season. Get with the program and make your evil-eradicating existence that much easier with the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Character Journal. Beautify your stuff, keep everything nicely organized, and watch the Queen of Mean go green with jealousy. Record your character stats, skills, maneuvers, Qualities, Drawbacks, description, history, magic, items, contacts, friends, bragging rights, memorable quotes and much more in this must-have gaming accessory."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Unknown
Publishers' Reference: EDN6007
ISBN: 1-891153-57-9
Paperback, 16 pages
Date: August 2004
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Product page last updated: 20 July 2006