Sourcebook for the Kaladrun Mountains and those who live there, including maps, NPCs and new prestige classes.
Publisher's blurb: "A century ago, the forces of darkness overran Eredane and subjugated all its peoples to the will of the dark god Izrador. Almost.
"In what remains of their mountain holdfasts in the Kaladruns, the dwarves still resist. It has been barely a dwarven generation since the Shadow fell, and living dwarves still remember freedom. They have the finest weapons and armor on the face of Aryth, traps devilish enough to kill a thousand orcs, and a legendary stubbornness in the face of adversity.
"It is not enough. Every day in the world of Midnight the dwarves are losing their war against the numberless servants of Izrador."
More when I get hold of a copy!
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Book Details:
Authors: Robert Vaughn, Gary Astleford, Greg Marks & Eric Olsen
Publishers' Reference: MN14
ISBN: 1589942558
Paperback, 64 pages
Date: December 2005
Product page last updated: 15 January 2006