Following the pattern established by Common Ground 1, this product presents guard towers, thieves guilds and private clubs in the same style. By following a set of guidelines with numerous choices at each stage, you can design suitable establishments in rapid time for insertion into an ongoing adventure.
Of particular interest is the third establishment type, the 'Private Club.' This covers the development of a whole range of premises from an actual clubhouse to a guild meeting house or a place of entertainment - perhaps a theatre, a casino or even a brothel. It doesn't matter, just wait for your players to say that they'd like to visit an XXXX, and knock one up for them!
The floor plans provided are imaginative, with a series of underground runs for the thieves to play in (the assumption being that the 'public' face of their premises will be just about any normal establishment that you care to imagine. They are also provided with secret rooms that can be tucked into corners of said establishments... pity none of the guard towers have cells to accommodate the thieves once they've been caught!
The maps provided for private clubs are a true delight, with layouts for casinos and for meeting rooms - be they small groups around a table or a big crowd that are to be addressed 'public meeting' style - just looking at them spawns several ideas for possible adventures!
Again, recommended for the busy DM who does not have time to detail every last piece of every place that his PCs might wish to visit when in town.
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