This product has 'lair' written all over it... the inner sanctuary of the bad guy your players have been chasing the length and breadth of your world. Now they have run him to earth, and here are a suite of rooms that a mediaeval James Bond villain would not be ashamed to live in - all ready for him to die in!
The rooms provided are a storeroom, elevator chamber, necromancer's laboratory (complete with vats), an arena, an underground channel, a portal chamber (just right for a last-gasp escape into some other dimension), a flooded room, an execution chamber and the villain's bedroom. Each is provided in lush full colour and an optimized grey-scale version for those without access to a colour printer.
Each room has suitable contents - well, I'm not sure about the execution chamber which looks empty but a shadow in the middle may actually be a block and a headsman's axe - and the whole thing just lends itself to creativity. As soon as you look at the rooms, you start imagining what might be going on there. So, if you need a specific room for part of your adventure, a setting for the grand finale, or prefer to sit back and look at the picture while ideas flow in, this is an excellent product to get your hands on.
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Reviewed: 3 December 2005