Vast areas to explore, whether your interest is archaeological, scientific or conquest... or just to see what you can steal.
Publisher's blurb: "The great City of Penance is the oldest settlement on the Forge, literally containing millions of years of history in its deep hulking mass. Though nearly forty million souls call the city home, less than half of one percent of the city's locations are inhabited. The bulk of the Pedestal is a madly stacked and sprawling ruin, only superficially explored by the relentless rafters and treasure-seekers of the surface world. Every home in the city has a hundred others lost beneath it, and every city street stands atop an incredible three-dimensional maze of corridors, alleyways, and crawlspaces - a maze where time has left nothing unchanged, eroding and distorting the framework of magic and even the laws of physics themselves."
Megan's review
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Book Details:
Authors: Darrin Drader, Greg Dent, Kevin Melka and Todd Laing
Publishers' Reference: BAS 1011
ISBN: 1-59263-003-0
Paperback, 128 pages
Date: 2003
Product page last updated: 25 August 2005