Sourcebook for characters whose feet have strayed from the path of light, with details of dark religions and secret societies as well as suitable prestige classes and so on. Excellent for rounding out the opposition if your players have decided to stay good, as well.
Publisher's blurb: "Whether lured by the Dark Powers or born to a life of darkness, those who devote themselves to the masters of the Land of Mists undergo their own agonizing struggles. Nemeses of good, yet puppets of evil, these beleaguered men and women may rise to greatness or find their way back to the light. In any other world, they would be called anti-heroes. Here, they are champions."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Beth Bostic, Carla Hollar and Tadd McDivitt
Publishers' Reference: WW15003
ISBN: 1-58846-081-9
Paperback, 128 pages
Date: 2002
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Product page last updated: 21 July 2006