An adventure aimed at 6th-level characters, this follows on from the adventure in the setting book and 2 earlier published adventures, or will stand fine on its own.
Publisher's blurb: "This full-length adventure for the newest D&D campaign setting showcases many of the most unique traits of the Eberron setting. It plays out across the Eberron world and is designed to either be a stand-alone adventure or an immediate follow-up to the first and second published Eberron adventures, Shadows of the Last War and Whispers of the Vampire's Blade."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Author: Bruce R. Cordell
Publishers' Reference: 177300000
ISBN: 0-7869-3652-5
Paperback, 32 pages
Date: January 2005
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Product page last updated: 3 May 2015