Time to get to grips with the realities of time travel in ways you never imagined.
Publisher's blurb: "There's more to being a Time Corps agent than you think. Rookies have it easy; popping back into history and shooting a few Demoreans. ut in this survival course, you learn what time travel is all about: beating a Significance Wave into the future before it prevents your own birth; forgetting what you're doing after you destroy the clue you find two days from now; dealing with five copies of yourself, all loop-trapped together and arguing about what to do next. TimeTricks introduces time-hopping through and between infinite worlds at will, along with new informations, skills, Paranormal Talents, and equipment to deal with the paradoxes of time travel."
More when I get hold of a copy!
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Book Details:
Author: Mark Acres
Publishers' Reference: PAC3012
ISBN: 0-917609-33-6
Paperback, 96 pages
Date: 1985
Product page last updated: 3 July 2005