Return to Egypt of 2000 years ago, and attempt to right the interference done by the Demoreans.
Publisher's blurb: "The barbarian gladiator steps toward your prone body, muscles tensed in anticipation of the coming deathstroke. He thrusts at your throat as you roll left, his blade slashing at you. In the arena seats above, a bored aristocrat fingers a Time Corps communicator - your communicator, a technology not-of-this-time, which he must not keep. This mission felt wrong from the start. Donning human form, Demoreans assassinated Cleopatra - or did they? Danger and false turns about in The Cleopatra Gambit."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Authors: Ethan Sharp and Garry Spiegle
Publishers' Reference: PAC3003
ISBN: 0-917609-07-7
Paperback, 32 pages
Date: 1984
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Product page last updated: 23 July 2006