Introducing the Crimson Battlemage as well as new clerical/mystical domains and reclassifying some existing spells according to colour-based magic philosophy, this product kicks off the Cromatic Arcana series.
Publisher's blurb: "Red is the colour of Fire, Power and Light. It manifests heat, energy, motion, brightness and strength. Its influence is simple, beyond morality or even thought: it is the colour that drives forward, empowers and illuminates, and is evoked in all that moves in the universe.
"Those that devote themselves to understanding the Red become scions of the power that fills the universe, able to evoke vast effects of energy, fire and motion.
"The most devoted of these might become Crimson Battlemages. These are spellcasters able to draw power directly from the Red. They are much sought for their arcane might and combat prowess, and usually espouse the philosophy that the best form of defence is attack."
More when I get hold of a copy!
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Book Details:
Author: Evangelos Hugo Paliatseas
Publishers' Reference: PDSSCA05
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 21 pages
Date: October 2004
Product page last updated: 5 April 2005