Provides a lot more information about some of the unnatural creatures that may pop up in a game of Chill, and even has rules to let players become them... useful if you get bitten!
Publisher's blurb: "This sourcebook expands the original Chill Roleplaying Game with new rules, new powers, and new twists on roleplaying. In Creature Feature, you can play the Creatures from the Unknown: vampires, werewolves, and the like. New slants on S.A.V.E. include new skill, equipment, and the details on the modern S.A.V.E. organization and bring to envoys the new and highly dangerous Incorporeal Disciplines of Seance, Leave the Body, and Incorporeal Attack, allowing them the ability to battle one-on-one with a ghost outside of their bodies. Also provides more detailed weapon and combat rules."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Author: Mark Acres
Publishers' Reference: PAC2010
ISBN: 0-917609-24-7
Paperback, 96 pages
Date: 1986
Product page last updated: 19 March 2005