Remind me never to get into debt around here... The characters are caught short and need to call in their own debts to pay what they owe, in the middle of a city caught up in race-day fever.
Publisher's blurb: "The first full demo adventure pack for a|state, The Consequences Of Debt thrusts five criminal lowlives into a race for their very existence. On the busiest, most frenetic day of the year, they must run, crawl, push, bribe, threaten and fight their way to their goal. Otherwise, losing digits to the Four Fingers Crew is the least of their worries...
"The Consequences of Debt is a complete adventure pack, with five pre-generated, fully detailed characters and all the information needed to run a demo or introductory game of 2 - 4 hours length."
More when I get hold of a copy!
Book Details:
Author: Malcolm Craig
Publishers' Reference: Unknown
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 28 pages
Date: October 2003
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Product page last updated: 4 August 2021