Set in the generic town of Rivenwater, this adventure is aimed at characters of 10th-12th level. In true 0one Games style, there are lush maps and other illustrative material, as well as new monsters and other goodies. Although you have enough detail here, combine this with Battlemap: Slave Ship to enhance the experience.
Publisher's blurb: "Many generations ago the land that is now the Blackened Fen was actually the thriving and warlike city-state of Shyyth. Populated by a race of evil humans knows as Annelids, Shyyth was a religious center of dark renown where the Annelids held sacrifice to their vile god Hirudinea. The Annelids worshipped the Drinker of Life, Lord of Slime and Leeches. They tattooed their bodies in leech-like patterns of mud brown and deep ochre and drank the blood of their enemies. As penance their priests would attach leeches to the exposed parts of their bodies, always feeding their essence to the Drinker in return for His granted powers."
Megan's review
Book Details:
Authors: Chad MacPhee and Greg Oppedisano
Publishers' Reference: MA06
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 44 pages
Date: December 2004
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Product page last updated: 20 July 2006