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Vampire: The Masquerade V20: The Black Hand: A Guide to the Tal’Mahe’Ra

The Black Hand: A Guide to the Tal'Mahe'Ra

This is an updated look at the Tal'Mahe'Ra, which brings the ancient conspiracy into the twenty-first century, with new disciplines and details of various sects and more.

Publisher's blurb: "We Deal in the Truth. Every interaction, every fight, every clandestine meeting, it's all about the truth. The truth hurts. The truth kills. But in the end, the truth protects. The truth shapes the world. Shape the world with us.

"The Tal'Mahe'Ra, the Black Hand, plays the long game. They're fighting a war of millennia, and the stakes could never be higher than they are tonight. They know truths about the Ancients, terrifying truths, dangerous truths, and they know the fight will be long and tireless."

Megan's review

Book Details:
Authors: Maggie Carroll, Matthew Dawkins, Tanya Coen Diaz, Danielle Harper, David A Hill Jr, Daniel Lanman, Marianne Pease, Neall Raemonn Price, Myranda Sarro, Malcolm Sheppard, Tristan Tarwater, Steffie de Vaan, and Filamena Young
Publishers' Reference: Unknown
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 232 pages
Date: May 2016

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Product page last updated: 28 June 2016