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Mummy: The Curse: Cursed Necropolis: D.C.

Cursed Necropolis: D.C.

Mummies tend to be a bit power-hungry, so what better place for them to be than Washington D.C.!

Publisher's blurb: "This book includes:

  • Contextualized discussion of the history and inner workings of the Federal City from the mummy point of view, including the rise of the powerful meret known as the First Chorus and a complete overview of Washington D.C.'s geography and internal currents, political and supernatural alike.
  • An array of non-player characters fully integrated into the nome, including both the Arisen who call Washington D.C. home and a few of the mortals who do their secret bidding, willingly or otherwise
  • The Great Hunt - a complete Mummy story that Storytellers can run alone or as the prelude to a three-part series called The Avarice Chronicle"

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Authors: Harry Heckel IV and Neall Raemonn Price
Publishers' Reference: Unknown
ISBN: Unknown
Hardback, 120 pages
Date: May 2014

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  • DriveThruRPG (PDF download or print-on-demand book)
  • RPG Now (PDF download or print-on-demand book)

Product page last updated: 9 January 2016