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AD&D 2e: Player`s Secrets of Medoere

Player's Secrets of Medoere

In playing a full-blown Birthright campaign, each player is ruler of a domain... and of course, if you are in charge of a place you need to know all about it. This product is aimed at a player taking on the role of the regent of Medoere, a small but potent theocracy. However, it is an interesting place, and could be incorporated into a more regular campaign as an interesting place to visit (or to come from). While the book supposes that you are playing the regent, and the in character flavour text supports this, there are plenty of notes to facilitate the use of the information herein in other ways if preferred.

It opens with a briefing from the Grand Curate (or Prime Minister) to a newly-appointed Celestial Archpriest, as the regent of Medoere is known. This paints a vivid picture of the realm and the people in it, as well as discussing current relationships with neighbouring domains. If you are playing Birthright, these are likely to change swiftly as play progresses.

Next comes a historial account of the domain. Until about a century ago, the three provinces that make up Medoere were part of Diemed, one of the neighbouring domains. Then a war of independence led by one Daen Roesome led to the formation of the domain named after him, and left these three provinces a bit on their own. However, a priest by the name of Brun Szareh received a divine revelation in which the deity Ruornil imparted much information and directed him to bring people and cultivation to the land, although despite his requests Szareh was not allowed to establish the domain, that task being left for others who followed him.

The history is followed by details of geography, climate, topography and even flora and fauna of the land. Each province is described, with major settlements, places of worhip and other sites of interest being detailed. This section ends with the family tree of the ruling Enlien dynasty (complete with space to insert your character's name!) and details of religious foundations and other holdings.

Next comes a look at the society of Medoere. As well as noble titles and social structure, you will find information about the law, money and the ordinary people of the realm. This rounds off with a discussion of 'game demographics' showing how the population stacks up in game mechanical terms, and a selection of notable NPCs. A section on religious and legal matters follows, then on to rumours, plots and secrets that can be gathered by inquisitive visitors or used as sources for ongoing plots. Finally there is a page of strategy and advice, particularly aimed at Birthright players.

There are several maps and plans to enjoy as well. Even if you're not playing Birthright, this could prove a fascinating place to visit in the course of your adventures.

Return to Player's Secrets of Medoere page.

Reviewed: 15 February 2014