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RuneQuest I: Cults of the Young Kingdoms

Cults of the Young Kingdoms

Pick your deity, and find what rewards your devotion will bring you!

Publisher's blurb: "The Young Kingdoms are rife with factions clawing at one another, each attempting to become dominant. Cults of the Young Kingdoms looks at each in detail, allowing players to ally with one or the other in an attempt to rise to credible power. Each cult comes complete with a detailed history and objectives, as well as boons available to those who rise within their ranks."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Author: Lawrence Whitaker
Publishers' Reference: MGP8151
ISBN: 978-1-906103-61-3
Paperback, 154 pages
Date: February 2009

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Product page last updated: 30 November 2011