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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Core Rulebook

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Core Rulebook

This book contains the basics to get a Buffy game up and running - character creation, background, rules (the Eden 'Unisystem'), information for Directors (GMs) on how to set up a campaign, and a complete scenario to get you started.

Publisher's blurb: "The graveyard is cold and still. Bright moonlight deepens the shadows. The silence is disturbed by a throaty moan. Breaking through the soft, recently packed earth, a claw extends, sharp and grasping. A sickly sweet stench rises with the corpse. Desperate hunger is etched on it cadaverous face?a hunger for your blood!"

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Author: CJ Carella
Publishers' Reference: EDN6000
ISBN: 1-891153-88-9
Hardback, 256 pages
Date: August 2002

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Product page last updated: 20 July 2006