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Suzerain: Relic Playing Deck

Relic Playing Deck

Leave aside a mundane deck of cards and draw on this lush deck instead.

Publisher's blurb: "Green tendrils of energy crackle and drip from the evil mage's hand as he starts his spell. Faster than the eye can follow, you slide a razor-sharp dagger from its sheath and throw it at him. The blade, perfectly balanced, flies towards the target even as the ball of energy grows in your enemy's hand. Your chance of getting out of here rest on that flying sliver of steel. It hangs in the air as you draw the card... you need a good hit to guarantee a kill, to stop that spell before you get fried. And you'd trust any old deck of cards with that?

"This pack of Suzerain cards has been crafted in glorious hi-res color and themed with unique art from the Relic setting and with the Relic logo on the back. If this is the world you're playing in, play with the full experience!"

Megan's review

Book Details:
Authors: Jason Engle & Aaron Acevedo
Publishers' Reference: SMELREPD001
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 8 pages
Date: November 2008

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Product page last updated: 17 July 2009