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Call of Cthulhu: Cthulhu Now 2e

Cthulhu Now 2e

Bringing the horrors of Cthulhu to the present day - not sure how much this differs from the First Edition

Publisher's blurb: "Some questions should never be answered and some mysteries should never be solved. Darkness remains within men's souls beyond the reach of illumination - darkness that is home to unamable horrors."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Authors: William A. Barton, Peter Corless, Keith Herber, Jeff Okamoto, Christian T. Petersen, Sam Shirley, Michael Szymanski, G. W. Thomas, Lynn Willis, and William Workman
Publishers' Reference: CHA3307
ISBN: Unknown
Paperback, 144 pages
Date: 1992

Product page last updated: 11 February 2007