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Brave New World: Core Rulebook

Brave New World Core Rulebook

Heady mix of alternate history and superpowers.

Publisher's blurb: "Ask Not What Your Country Could Do For You. Ask What It Could Do To You.

"America, once the last true bastion of freedom on the face of the planet, is now ruled under martial law. It's been that way ever since First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy was brutally assassinated by a devastating band of superpowered terrorists during an attack on her husband's motorcade in 1963.

"From that fateful day forward, the United States has been a nation ruled by fear. Government agents haul people out of their homes and into jail, searching for more of these superpowered people - these deltas - and force them to either join the government forces them to either join the government forces or rot in jail.

"The last chance for justice in the world lies in the hands of the few, proud rebels collectively known as the Defiance. These stalwart heroes live on the run from a government prepared to hunt them to the ends of the earth, yet they steadfastly refuse to give up their desperate battle for freedom.

"The American dream is dead. Welcome to the American nightmare. The thing people are more scared of is you.

"Brave New World is the classic roleplaying game, written by award-winning author and designer Matt Forbeck. In the game, you play a delta, a person with amazing powers and a reason to use them. The Brave New Worlds rulebook comes complete with everything you need to know about the game in order to play, right between these two covers.

"So what are you waiting for? There's a brave new world out there, and it's up to you to save it!"

Megan's review

Book Details:
Author: Matt Forbeck
Publishers' Reference: AEG7000
ISBN: 1-889546-62-3
Hardback, 224 pages
Date: 1999

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Product page last updated: 23 October 2014