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Exalted 2e: Compass of Terrestrial Directions 4 - The South

Compass of Terrestrial Directions 4: The South

Diversity, ancient lore... and above all it's warm!

Publisher's blurb: "From its fecund coasts to its hellish interior, the South is a land of startling contrasts. There exist in the direction cities dating back to the First Age ruled by desert nomads, fiercely independent tribesmen suffering under the yoke of Realm colonialism, an organization of fire elementals defying the bureaucracy of Heaven to safeguard its tenets and many other contradictions as well. Will the region's many differences plunge it into conflict during this Time of Tumult, or will the returned Lawgivers succeed in bringing the South's many constituents into a lasting accord?"

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Authors: Michael Kessler, Jack Norris, Dean Shomshak, John Snead, and Christina Stiles
Publishers' Reference: WW80203
ISBN: 978-1-58846-363-0
Paperback, 160 pages
Date: February 2009

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Product page last updated: 6 February 2010