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Karma Roleplaying System: The Cosmology of Karma

The Cosmology of Karma

Useful generically as well as within its own game system, this work suggests a coherent cosmology you can use as is, or as a basis for one of your own design.

Publisher's blurb: "The Cosmology of Karma explores the true nature of the planes, where the gods are far from the most powerful beings and the fight for mortal souls is a matter of survival. Instead of the comfortably organized view mortals have come to accept, the planes are a chaotic, every changing thing under the control of beings that view mortals as either vaguely amusing entertainments, petty nuisances, or food.

"Denizens of the Planes: discover the mysteries of the Anaushua, Angels, Daemons, the Daimonia, Deities, Devils, Djinn, Ethereals, Petitioners, and Shades that populate the planes. Meet the God of Nothingness Thanatos, The Mercenary Prince Ptoleron, the Vampire God Shattentod, and 13 other denizens.

"Travel the Planes: Dare to unlock the secrets of the planes. Visit The Outer Planes and travel to Tartarus, the Abyss, and Hell. Journey to the Flux and explore the Elemental Planes of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. Sneak into the Inner Planes and visit Aethera, home of the Gods. Jump between pantheons in Jahharah, join the mercenary armies of Ragnarok, or brave the terrors of Gehenna. Creep through the horrors of the Umbra, or slip deep into the Dreamscape.

"The Cosmology of Karma provides a basic framework for understanding the planes as they are used in the Karma Roleplaying System, however this product is specifically designed to provide plenty of information that can be used in almost any roleplaying game. Use the information in this book to transform the planes of your current setting and completely throw adventurers off their game. Borrow ideas and mold your world in a new way. Written in a system-neutral manner, The Cosmology of Karma allows you to turn the planes and everything your players think they know inside out."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Author: Julie Ann Dawson
Publishers' Reference: BASKARMAA2
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 20 pages
Date: February 2008

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Product page last updated: 8 March 2009