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Vampire the Masquerade 1e: Clanbook Nosferatu

Clanbook: Nosferatu 1e

Do you want to know the history of the clan and its true role in the upheavals of the undead; and the horrfying details of the Nosferatu kingdoms under every city?

Publisher's blurb: "Hideously deformed, hiding from the world's eyes in their dank holes, the Nosferatu thrive despite their ostracism from vampiric society. But what are they plotting in their dark caverns? What schemes are brewing in the nether regions of the night? The Nosferatu watch everyone else, but who watches them?"

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Author: Rob Hatch
Publishers' Reference: WW2054
ISBN: 1-56504-064-3
Paperback, 72 pages
Date: 1993

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Product page last updated: 29 September 2014