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Conan RPG: Second Edition

Conan RPG 2e

Revision of the earlier game as OGL, rather than D20, with the aim of providing an even better recreation of the world that Robert E. Howard's hero stalked.

Publisher's blurb: "Enter the Hyborian Age. The civilised kingdoms at the heart of the world make war on one another with massed ranks of mercenaries while idle nobles chatter and gossip in the courts of Aquilonia and Nemedia. In the north the barbarians of Asgard, Vanaheim and Cimmeria make war on anyone close enough to raid and in the west the Picts savagely reject the encroachment of settlers into their primeval forests. Pirates infest both the open ocean in the south and the inland Vilayet sea, earning the ire of Stygian sorcerer-priests and Turanian horse lords alike. This world of expansive plains, steaming jungles, ancient tombs and otherworldly horrors gives no quarter - you must wrest your destiny from it with the strength of your limbs and the edge of your sword!

"The Conan RPG allows players to take the on the roles of characters from this rich and vivid world, whether Hyborians or any of the other myriad races who people the tales of Conan. As Howard's hero did, they can learn the skills of the thief, the mercenary soldier, the desert nomad and other roles on their way to greatness.

"This second edition of the Conan roleplaying game both tidies up and expands the original. Several subtle changes have been made to the mechanics to reflect the experiences of players over the past four years and the informed commentary of Conan experts, but it remains fully compatible with all the material from the previous edition. In addition you can find new character options, more combat manoeuvres, new spells to cast or suffer from and an expanded section of human enemies in the bestiary."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Author: Gareth Hanrahan
Publishers' Reference: MGL7800
ISBN: 978-1-905850-06-8
Hardback, 420 pages
Date: September 2007

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Product page last updated: 6 March 2008