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True20 Adventure Roleplaying: True20 Campaign Planner

True20 Campaign Planner

For those who like to be organised when running their games, this could be a boon indeed!

Publisher's blurb: "This 42-page PDF, designed for use with Green Ronin Publishing's True20 System, provides the narrator with 38-pages of forms that make planning and running a True20 campaign easier than ever! With forms for custom roles, backgrounds, feats, and more, and forms for city design, weather, and world design, the True20 Campaign Planner adapts Ronin Arts' popular Campaign Planner series to work specifically with the smash hit True20 rules.

"Each page is designed to be printed, punched, and inserted into your campaign binder. By keeping strict track of your campaign with these forms you'll never be at a loss for information again. Make copies of important campaign information and rules for your players, record session history, provide the players with adventure review forms in order to improve your game, and more!"

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Authors: Unknown
Publishers' Reference: GRR9001
ISBN: n/a
PDF, 42 pages
Date: November 2005

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Product page last updated: 15 July 2007