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Mutants & Masterminds: Mastermind`s Manual

Mastermind's Manual

Guidance for the GM on how to tailor the system to suit his particular needs and style.

Publisher's blurb: "The Mastermind's Manual is the perfect companion to the award-winning Mutants & Masterminds Superhero Roleplaying Game. In its pages you will find endless ways to customize the M&M system to suit your game, along with helpful Gamemaster advice, and insight into how the game is designed and played. The Mastermind's Manual includes a vast array of optional and variant rules, complete guidelines for creating your own feats and super-powers, expanded systems for proficiency, combat, chases, skill use, and nearly every other aspect of the game. With the Mastermind's Manual, you open up infinite possibilities, infinite options, and the power to truly make the world yours. It's your master plan for taking the game to the next level... and what mastermind wouldn't want that?"

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Author: Steve Kenson
Publishers' Reference: GRR2504
ISBN: 1932442553
Hardback, 160 pages
Date: March 2006

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Product page last updated: 13 July 2007