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Conan RPG: Hyboria`s Fallen - Pirates, Thieves and Temptresses

Hyboria's Fallen: Pirates, Thieves and Temptresses

This book looks at the seamier side of life, explaining how the denizens of the shadows fit into Hyborian life and how best to play them to the full.

Publisher's blurb: "Pirates. Thieves. Temptresses. The fallen classes of the Hyborian age live amongst the shadows, lurking and hiding in the dark recesses of every city. Civilised people often presume rules come from the gods or even from strange books wherein the 'Truth' is written. Actions are either correct or incorrect and a culture of guilt arises from violating the tenets laid down by society. Societies who try to live by those rules breed shadows and these shadows are the fallen classes, by-products of all the impulses contrary to a given society's definitions of truth and order. Some consider the shadows evil, others see them as a necessity. Many long to give in to the shadows but pretend to condemn them. The fiercest; barbarians, nomads and borderers, are forces of nature impacting upon society. The finest; nobles, scholars and soldiers, are the creators and maintainers of society and 'law' itself. The fallen represent impulsive temptation; those who reject the 'Truth' insisted upon by the finest and challenged by the fiercest. To be one of the fallen is to be hunted by the so-called 'finest' elements of society. To be one of the fallen is to have your deeds and beliefs treated as sinful, criminal or worse."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Author: Vincent Darlage
Publishers' Reference: MGP7717
ISBN: 1-905176-25-2
Paperback, 128 pages
Date: January 2006

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Product page last updated: 25 December 2006