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Darwin`s World: DW Modern Conversion - Modern Arcana

DW Conversion: Modern Arcana

Collection of resources should you want to head towards the weird and the 'FX' in your Darwin's World campaign.

Publisher's blurb: "In an effort to provide gaming groups with additional class options, we have converted magical classes from the Modern Arcana SRD. While there is no magic in the Twisted Earth setting of Darwinâ??s World, there is certainly an element of the supernatural in regards to the wide variety of mutant and psionic abilities, and thus a conversion is often possible (and can result in an interesting version of a pre-existing magic based class). Not all the classes are appropriate for a Twisted Earth campaign, but all are useable in some variant of a post apocalyptic world."

More when I get hold of a copy!

Book Details:
Author: Chris Davis
Publishers' Reference: RPO0115
ISBN: n/a
PDF, pages unknown
Date: February 2005

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Product page last updated: 23 January 2008